Privacy Policy

Figure to Enjoy Natural Private Life

Thank you for your attention to this privacy policy.

This privacy policy helps your understanding;

  • What information we collect
  • Why do we collect
  • How can you control your personal data

regarding our service such as suggestion and recommendation in articles, “Comment” and “Contact Us”) in the website, Dan-chan’s Adventure, at “”.

スポンサーリンク (Sponsored Links)
  1. Core of This Policy
  2. Range of Application
  3. What is Personal Data?
  4. What is Cookie?
  5. Collection of Your Personal Data and Purpose of Use
    1. Consent of Collecting Your Personal Data
      1. Adaptation to Minors (children or underage)
    2. Regarding “Comment”
      1. Collection of Personal Information regarding “Comment”
      2. Use of Personal Information regarding “Comment”
        1. Response to your comments
        2. Improvement of services
        3. Contribution to other users
        4. Healthy Website Operation
      3. Personal data management regarding “Comment”
    3. Regarding “Contact”
      1. Collection of Personal Information regarding “Contact”
      2. Use of Personal Information regarding “Contact”
        1. Response to your contents in “Contact”
        2. Improvement of usability and services
        3. Contribution to other users
        4. Healthy Website Operation
      3. Personal data management regarding “Contact Us”
  6. Disclosure of Personal Data to Third Parties
  7. Treatment of Personal Data by Third Party
    1. Collecting Cookies by Third Parties
    2. Treatment of Personal Data by Google
      1. Data Correction by Google
      2. Data Use by Google
      3. Data Management by Google
  8. Advertizing Service by Third Party
    1. Google AdSense
      1. Use of Google AdSense
      2. Google AdSense features
      3. Data Collection on Google AdSense
      4. Data Use on Google AdSense
      5. Google AdSense data management
  9. Access Analysis Service by Third Party
    1. Google Analytics
      1. Use of Google Analytics
      2. Use of Advertising features in Google Analytics
      3. Data Collection on Google Analytics
      4. Data Use on Google Analytics
      5. Data Management on Google Analytics
  10. Your Data Control
    1. Control of Personal Data (Confirmation、Correction、Addition、Deletion、Suspension of Use)
    2. Control of Cookies
    3. Activity Record Controls during Google Accout Login
  11. Security
  12. Intellectual Property Rights
  13. Changes or End of Services
  14. Disclaimer
  15. Responsibilities of the Service in this Website
  16. Update of Privacy Policy

Core of This Policy

We collect, use and manage your personal data based on your consent of this privacy policy, recognizing importance of personal data.

It is our duty to be compliant for laws of personal data.

This website is supporting EU (European Union) user consent policy.

Range of Application

This privacy policy is applied only for the contents under “”.

As exceptions, third-party privacy policies are applied for some of service (such as advertisement) provided by third parties.

What is Personal Data?

Definition of personal data is varied, for examples, person by person, law by law, website by website.

Personal data is consisted from

  • personal identifiable information which directly identify specific person
  • sensitive personal information which identify specific person indirectly with combination of several information

In this web site, we focus mainly personal data as below which you have submitted via “Comment” and “Contact Us” forms;

  • Name
  • e-mail address
  • sensitive personal information (which directly identify specific person, his/her contact and postal address) in your comments

What is Cookie?

Cookies are a set of footprint records during your web browsing.

And those are categorized as following.


  • To enable essential functionalities for web browsing (necessary)
  • To help you to have user-friendly browsing experience (optional)

Domain dependency:

  • Browsing related data generated and stayed in current domain only (i.e. first party cookies)
  • Browsing related data generated and came outside of current domain (i.e. third-party cookies)


  • Display setting for browsing
  • Move process among pages in web sites
  • Security
  • Access data for advertisement
  • Access data for analysis

You can control (delete and/or block) cookies via your browser setting. Please check user manual or help of browser for more detail.

Collection of Your Personal Data and Purpose of Use

Consent of Collecting Your Personal Data

Cookies are utilized during web browsing for your convenience and better service.

And we need your personal data such as name and mail address at submission of “Comment” and “Contact Us” in this website for confirmation and/or responses of your comments and questions.

You expressly accept and agree;

  • use of cookies and service by continuing to browse this website
  • collecting, use and managing of your personal data in line with this policy in this website.

Adaptation to Minors (children or underage)

Minors (less than 18 years old children in most of European Union Member States) must be authorized by parental authority, prior to use of service in this website. Parental authority must consent this privacy policy as substitute of minors as same manner as adults.

Regarding “Comment”

Collection of Personal Information regarding “Comment”

This website has “Comment” form for each article.

Following personal data will be collected when you have submitted your information via “Comment” form in this website.

As for personal data;

  • name
  • mail address
  • sensitive information in your comments (especially contents which can identify specific person)

As for related information;

  • IP address
  • Browser user agent characters

Use of Personal Information regarding “Comment”

Your personal data and related information shared via “Comment” will be utilized for;

Response to your comments

To give our responses back to you, sharing relevant information with you via e-mails.

Improvement of services

To develop new articles to add values to you and

To improve contents of published articles

Contribution to other users

We would publish your comments, removing your e-mail address, in case that your opinions would contribute other users to be convenient, for examples, to prevent similar comments which fixed in the past and to refer effective way of comment statement.

Healthy Website Operation

IP address would be utilized to protect unsolicited messages (spam) and behavior to be harmful for this website operation.

Some of comments will be published in this website, after checking whether there are no issues to maintain healthy website operation or not.

We would delete the comments which contain prohibited content as below.

Prohibited contents:

  • Adult, violence, dangerous contents (which we cannot explain to children)
  • Derogatory contents to specific person and/or group
  • Prohibited goods trade related contents
  • Contents which harm others
  • Contents which enable dishonest behavior
  • Information which contains lies and inaccurate contents
  • Illegal drug, alcohol, tobacco and gambling related contents.
  • Illegal contents
  • Other problematic contents (which are inappropriate to moral) determined by decision in this website.

Personal data management regarding “Comment”

We will keep your comments for one year in principle、unless specified separately.

It will be deleted that more than one-year old comments and originators’ personal data. Then we will not be able to give our responses for your comments at this case.

Regarding “Contact”

Collection of Personal Information regarding “Contact”

This website has “Contact” form.

Following personal data will be collected when you have submitted your information via “Contact Us” form in this website.

As for personal data;

  • name
  • mail address
  • sensitive information in your comments (especially contents which can identify specific person)

Use of Personal Information regarding “Contact”

Your personal data and related information shared via “Contact” will be utilized for;

Response to your contents in “Contact”

To give our responses back to you, sharing relevant information with you via e-mails.

Improvement of usability and services

Keeping your data enables to give more accurate feedback to you, especially you contact us again for different matter.

To develop new articles to add values to you and

To improve contents of published articles

Contribution to other users

We may publish your info in “Contact Us”, removing your e-mail address, in case that your opinions would contribute other users to be convenient, for examples, to prevent similar questions which fixed in the past and to refer effective way of comment statement.

Healthy Website Operation

Some of comments will be published in this website, after checking whether there are no issues to maintain healthy website operation or not.

We would delete input which contain prohibited content as described in comment related session.

IP address would be utilized to protect unsolicited messages (spam) and behavior to be harmful for this website operation.

Personal data management regarding “Contact Us”

We will keep your contents in “Contact Us” for one year in principle、unless specified separately.

It will be deleted that more than one-year old contents and originators’ personal data. Then we will not be able to give our responses for your contents in ”Contact Us” at this case.

Disclosure of Personal Data to Third Parties

Personal information (which identify specific person) will not disclose to third party with following exceptional cases.

  • Agreement by the owner of target personal information
  • Disclosure by legal requirements
  • Unmanageable critical cases which it is impossible to get agreement from owner of target personal information for protection of personal properties and/or lifesaving in line with social moral, although best possible efforts (e.g. death of target personal information owner)

Treatment of Personal Data by Third Party

Collecting Cookies by Third Parties

At this website, third parties would collect cookies and utilize for access analysis and/or advertisement service provided from third parties.

Third parties’ privacy policies are applied for the cookies which third parties are collecting.

Following services are utilized for access analysis and advertisement.

  • Google Analytics with their extension “advertising features”
  • Google AdSense(under preparation)

Treatment of Personal Data by Google

Treatment of common Google service support following.

Terms of Services:

Google Terms of Service – Privacy & Terms – Google

Google Privacy Policy:

Privacy Policy – Privacy & Terms – Google

Data Correction by Google

Google is collecting following data.

  • Unique identifiers
  • Browser type and setting
  • Device type and setting
  • Operation system
  • Cookies

When you log in your Google account, the information which you store in your Google account is also collected under your consent and this information is treated as personal information.

Please refer below for more detail.

Information Google Collects:

Privacy Policy – Privacy & Terms – Google

Type of Cookies used by Google:

How Google uses cookies – Privacy & Terms – Google

How Google uses information from sites or apps that use our service:

How Google uses information from sites or apps that use our services – Privacy & Terms – Google

Data Use by Google

Google uses collected data for following.

  • Service maintenance and improvement
  • Development of new service
  • Customized service offering such as contents and advertisement
  • Performance measurements

Please refer below for more detail.

Why Google Corrects data:

Privacy Policy – Privacy & Terms – Google

How Google uses cookies:

How Google uses cookies – Privacy & Terms – Google

How Google uses cookies in advertising:

Advertising – Privacy & Terms – Google

Data Management by Google

Google manages data based on following data type.

  • Some data you can delete whenever you like
  • Some data is deleted automatically
  • Some data Google retain for longer periods of time when necessary

When you log in to your Google account, activity information is collected under your consent and treated as personal information. Users can check and manage the activity information stored in their Google account.

Please refer below for more detail.

Google Activity Control:

Google activity controls - Google Account Help

When you delete data, Google completely removed from Google server or retained in anonymized form.

Please refer below for more detail.

How Google retains data Google corrects:

How Google retains data we collect – Privacy & Terms – Google

Your privacy control:

Privacy Policy – Privacy & Terms – Google

Managing cookies in your browser:

How Google uses cookies – Privacy & Terms – Google

How you can control advertising cookies:

Advertising – Privacy & Terms – Google

Advertizing Service by Third Party

This site uses third-party advertising services.

Google AdSense

Use of Google AdSense

This site uses Google’s advertising distribution service “Google AdSense”. This Google AdSense uses cookies to improve ad delivery quality.

Cookies are collected anonymously and do not identify individuals.

Google AdSense features

This site uses functions related to Google Adsense’s advertising distribution service.

  • The ability for third parties such as Google to use cookies to deliver advertisements based on information that users have previously visited the website or other websites
  • The ability for Google and its partners to display appropriate advertisements to users based on information when they visit the site and other sites by using advertising cookies

Data Collection on Google AdSense

Based on your consent, we collect the following data on the sites you visit, the sites of Google, and third party vendors.

  • Unique ID
  • Browser type and settings
  • Device type and settings
  • Operation system
  • Information about mobile networks
  • Application version number
  • cookie
    • Example) User actions on site advertisements, mouse movements on advertisements
    • Example: Whether the user ’s browser displayed an ad on the site
  • Device specific information
  • Location information
  • Other information about the end user’s device related to the service provided
    • IP address
    • Failure report
    • System activity
    • Request date and time and reference URL

This information does not include personal information that can identify individuals.

Data Use on Google AdSense

The information collected based on your consent will be used for the following purposes.

  • Deliver ads tailored to user interests, interests, attributes and other information (personalized ads)
  • New service development
  • Measuring the effectiveness of ads such as the number of ads displayed and the number of clicks
  • Customize your ads, such as not showing the same ad over and over, or showing ads related to your interests
  • Prevention of fraud such as click fraud
  • Customize content displayed on our site and Google partner sites and apps

Please check the link below for more information on Google’s use of the collected information.

Google Adsense Online Terms of Use:

Google AdSense-Terms of Service

About personalized ads:

About personalized ads-AdSense help
Personalized ads (formerly interest-based ads) are used by advertisers to show their interests, interests, attributes (such as “sports fans”) and other information (details)


Google AdSense data management

You can refuse collection by disabling Google Adsense cookies.

Please refer this link to “Control of Cookies”  (click underline part) for detail.

Access Analysis Service by Third Party

Google Analytics

Use of Google Analytics

Google’s access analysis tool, “Google Analytics” is utilized in this website.

Google Analytics is collecting cookies for traffic data anonymously which cannot identify specific person.

Use of Advertising features in Google Analytics

Google Analytics utilized in this website covers not only their standard features, but also advertising features as below additionally.

  • Remarketing with Google analytics
  • Google Display Network Impression Reporting
  • Google Analytics Demographics and Interests Reporting
  • Integrated services that require Google Analytics to collect data for advertising process, including collection of data via advertising cookies and identifiers.

Please refer below for more detail.

About advertising features:

[UA] About Advertising Features - Analytics Help
This article is about advertising features in Universal Analytics. For information about the advertising features in Goo...

Data Collection on Google Analytics

Following data will be collected during your browsing of this website, Google and/or third-party websites, based on your consent.

  • First Party Cookies (or first party ID)
    • Cookie for Google Analytics, etc
  • Third Party Cookies (or Third-Party ID)
    • Advertising Cookies, identifier of advertisement
    • Tracking Cookies
  • IP Address

These do not contain information which can identify specific person.

Please refer below for more detail.

Safeguarding your data (Data collected by Google Analytics):

Safeguarding your data - Analytics Help
Laws protecting user privacy such as the European Economic Area’s General Data Protection Regulation and other privacy l...

Data Use on Google Analytics

Collected data based on your consent will be used for following.

  • Offering, maintaining and improvement of service
  • Development of new services
  • Performance measurements such as numbers of displayed advertisement and clicking
  • Custom advertising such as no repeating of same advertisement, display of your interesting advertisement only
  • Protection of illegal behaviors such as click fraud
  • Customization of application contents displayed in this website and /or Google partners’ websites

Please refer below for more detail.

Google Analytics Cookie Usage on Websites:

Google Analytics  |  Google for Developers

Data Management on Google Analytics

Cookies on Google Analytics are kept for months (default).  You can decline correction of cookies, if you want.

Please refer below for more detail.

Data Retention:

Data retention - Analytics Help
The Google Analytics Data Retention controls give you the ability to set the amount of time before user-level and event-...

Your Data Control

Control of Personal Data (Confirmation、Correction、Addition、Deletion、Suspension of Use)

You (owner of personal data) can raise up your requests via “Contact Us” form asking all your personal data (as export file) which you have submitted to this website via ”Comment” and/or “Contact Us” forms. as export file.

You can require deletion of your personal data, excluding data to be maintained for purpose of website management, legal reasons and security.

We will make action as earliest possible, after verifying if you are owner of your personal data, in case that your requests cover disclosure, correction, addition deletion and suspension of use.

The management of personal information collected by third parties will be governed by the policies of the third party based on your consent.

Control of Cookies

There are several methods as following, in case that you will not allow use of cookies.

  • Deletion and/or block of undesirable cookies via setting of your browsers
  • Use of browsers with privacy or private mode which disable browsing history and web cache.
  • Use of Browser plug-in which control use of cookies such as Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on.
If you delete cookies that are already in your browser and you set most browsers to prevent them from being placed, you may have to manually adjust some preferences every time you visit a site and some services and functionalities may not work.

Please refer below for more detail.

Managing Cookies in your browser:

How Google uses cookies – Privacy & Terms – Google

Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on:

Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on Download Page

You can control cookies which many of companies are utilizing for online advertisement as following, since there are consumer choice tools developed under self-regulation programs in many countries.

Please refer below for more detail.

How you can control advertising cookies:

Advertising – Privacy & Terms – Google

Activity Record Controls during Google Accout Login

If you use Google’s sites, apps, or services while logged in to your Google account, some information linked to your Google account, such as usage status, will be saved in “My Activity” (click the underlined part).

You can check, manage, and delete the information stored in “My Activity” by logging in to your Google account.

Please refer below for details.

Google activity controls - Google Account Help


Data communication of this site is encoded by SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technologies, and secure under computer networks.

In case of access to non-secure domains (as listed below) by accident, it will jump to secure domain, automatically.


The Service of SSL technologies is provided by Xserver (

We are utilizing application (i.e. Google ReCapcha) for our service such as “Comment” and “Contact Us”, in order to improve security against harmful attaches such as spam.

Intellectual Property Rights

It is prohibited to reproduce properties or works in this web site such as sentences, pictures and images without permission.

Originators of properties have owner rights for those such as sentences, pictures and images. We will not against for this owner rights of those properties.

Please let us know via “Contact Us” form, if you (as owner of property rights) observe suspicious issues. We will make actions, after verifying if requesters are same as owner of property rights.

Changes or End of Services

We may suspend a part of our service partly or all, as we are improving our service continuously for your better life and convenience.

We may terminate a part of our service or all due to uncontrollable happening as below.

  • Difficulty of website operation due to natural disasters such as earthquake, lighting strikes and floods.
  • Disease and /or death of site owner

You can terminate use of our service whenever you want.


We will not take any responsibilities at all for following.

  • Unexpected results and their impacts by using services in this website.

Possible Factors:

  • difference of understanding between you and this site
  • difference of conditions such as environments between information delivery time and utilization time
  • Mixing wrong information by accident
  • Unpredictable impacts caused by changes and/or termination of services in this web sites.

Possible Factors:

  • uncontrollable due to unprediction
  • the information and service provided by third parties via links and/or banners of advertisement
  • Impacts of changes, addition, move, deletion on policy, definitions and rules by third parties.
  • Unexpected results and their impacts by using information and/or services provided by third parties.

Possible Factors:

  • Out of control under this website, as services by third parties are following their policies and/or terms of services.

Responsibilities of the Service in this Website

We have full responsibilities to provide best possible accurate information and/or services for your better life.

We will manage your personal data which you have provided via “Comment” and/or “Contact Us” according to this privacy policy.

We will give our responses for your constructive comments and inputs with open-mind and honesty.

Update of Privacy Policy

We will update contents of privacy policy irregularly according to the needs.

Latest privacy policy is disclosed in this page.

(30 Jul. 2019: First issued) (26 Oct. 2020: Updated)